Friday, September 2, 2011

If you have kids or you were moving and it never fails Putting a nice dent on the outside corners in the home.A pricie fix. NOT any more..

Hello again, now we are going to talk about fixing or installing Corner Bead for OUTSIDE corners in your  home.

You'll be able to get the metal corner bead at any hardware store.
Measure the corner Plum meaning floor to ceiling get your  # and cut your bead to length. We will need Tin snips to do this smoothly.Now the corner is ready, take drywall glue and put a generous portion to the inside of the corner bead from one end to the other and push into place. I yous a crimp er tool They  have them in the drywall section. hold the crimp upwards and hammer into place. Stitching from top to bottom. Just make sure its straight.. The glue  will come out of it a little just wipe smooth with you 4" mud knife.
So know we have a option on what kind of mud to use. Depending on how big the job is. LOVE my bag ed mud its still in a Powder for we just add water its 20min mud and its sets up very fast and makes guys money. But that for another time. For now we will yous Purple lid mid weight Plaster/mud.1st coat we will use ow er 6" mud knife apply a generous amount from starting at the bottom then go up about half way then go from top down to meet in the middle or to bottom until nice and smooth. Remove any build up mud on bead. We can do the to both sides at the same time. It will all dry at the same time Therefor making the Bond very strong less cracking etc.
After we have let that dry. We will Take ow er sand sponge and knock off what we don't need until smooth.  For the 2nd coat We will use a 12" mud knife Remember when working with mud we are always cleaning ow er knifes and pan.. A GREAT thing to get for this is a tire brush for a car. and have ow er bucket of water. I use old mud buckets. Keeping things nice and clean will save you allot of headaches. When it comes to finishing. Now we will let that dry and sand smooth and feather

         The last and final coat we will yous Blue lid mud. With the mud being prepped and ready apply 1" back from the corner bead. We just want to fill in the space that's needed to fill to make the corner flush withe wall. You can take a strati edge from left to right and right to left to see how much mud to apply from bead to wall. Remember Less is BEST. Sand and feather, know you ready to paint. And also remember that the thicker the nap of the roller cover the BEST blending. Hope you have fun with this project  Feel free  to leave me comments. On what you think about the Handy mans way. Until next time..

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